How can I add an A record in DNS in my site

How can I add an A record in DNS in my site

How can I add an A record in DNS in my site



My Journey with DNS A Records:

Once upon a time in the digital world, I found myself tangled in the intricacies of setting up a domain for my new website. With excitement and a sprinkle of anxiety, I purchased a domain name, eager to launch my site and share my ideas with the world. Little did I know, the journey ahead would be riddled with DNS challenges and frustrations.

I had been told that configuring DNS records was a crucial step in making my domain live, but it felt like I was navigating a labyrinth. The first hurdle emerged when I was faced with a baffling array of DNS settings. “A record,” “CNAME,” “MX records”—these terms were like a foreign language to me. My initial enthusiasm quickly turned into confusion.

Determined to figure it out, I turned to Google for help. I typed in phrases like “how to add an A record in DNS” and “DNS A record setup,” hoping to find a clear guide. However, the more I searched, the more overwhelmed I became. Each explanation seemed to use technical jargon that left me scratching my head. Concepts like “hostname,” “TTL,” and “IP address” felt like pieces of a puzzle I couldn’t quite fit together.

I spent hours sifting through tutorials and articles, each attempt to understand the A record process adding to my frustration. I tried to follow various guides step-by-step, but they often left me with more questions than answers. It felt like I was chasing shadows in the vast, confusing realm of DNS configuration.

Just when I was on the verge of giving up, I decided to seek help from an expert. I reached out to a friend who was a seasoned web developer and had a knack for demystifying technical topics. We scheduled a call, and with a few clicks and a bit of patience, the solution unfolded before my eyes.

My friend guided me through the process with remarkable clarity. They explained that an A record is simply a way to point a domain or subdomain to a specific IP address—essentially telling the internet where to find my website. We went through the steps together:

    Logging into my DNS Hosting Provider: We accessed the DNS management console where my domain was registered.

    Locating the DNS Records Section: My friend helped me find the area where DNS records could be managed.

    Adding a New A Record: We selected “A record” from the list of options and filled in the necessary details. For instance, we put “www” as the hostname and entered the IP address where my website was hosted.

    Saving Changes: We ensured that the changes were saved and discussed the TTL setting—explaining how it affects the caching of the DNS information.

    Verification: Finally, we checked to make sure the changes had been propagated and were working as intended.

With expert guidance, the A record setup that once seemed like an insurmountable obstacle became a manageable task. My website was soon accessible under its new domain name, and I marveled at how much I had learned along the way.

In the end, my experience with DNS and A records taught me that while some technical tasks can be daunting, the right support can turn confusion into confidence. And with a bit of persistence and expert advice, even the most complex problems can be solved.

 Summary of Adding A RECORD:

 Log In: Access your domain registrar or DNS hosting provider’s control panel.
Find DNS Settings: Navigate to the DNS management or DNS records section.
Add Record: Choose to add a new record and select “A” from the record type options.
Enter Details:
Hostname: Enter the subdomain or “@” for the root domain.
IP Address: Enter the IP address you want the domain or subdomain to point to.

    Save Changes: Confirm and save the new A record.

    Verify: Use a DNS lookup tool to check that the A record is set up correctly.

This process connects your domain or subdomain to the specified IP address.

Adding CNAME Record With Subdomain

Techie’s Haven  --> Main Server IP|  -->

This diagram:

    “Techie’s Haven” points to its main server.
    “” uses a CNAME record to redirect to “”.

This visual representation shows how CNAME records help connect subdomains to other domain names, ensuring everything works seamlessly.


Alex logged into the domain registrar’s dashboard, ready to make the changes. The plan was clear: use a CNAME record to alias “” to the blog’s server domain, such as “”.

    Navigating to DNS Settings: Alex accessed the DNS management section, where all the domain’s records were listed.

    Finding the CNAME Option: Amidst the various records, Alex looked for the option to add a new record and chose “CNAME.”

Crafting the Record

Alex set up the CNAME record with Jamie’s help, a friend who was an IT expert. Here’s how Jamie guided Alex:

    Creating the CNAME Record: Jamie explained that the CNAME record should point “blog” to “”. This way, anyone visiting “” would be seamlessly redirected to the blog’s actual server.

    Entering the Details: Alex entered “blog” as the subdomain (or hostname) and “” as the target. They left the TTL setting at its default value, ensuring timely updates.

    Saving the Changes: With a click of the “Save” button, the CNAME record was set.

The Smooth Transition

Within a few hours, Alex tested the new subdomain. Typing “” into a browser redirected seamlessly to “”, as planned. Alex’s visitors could now access the blog without a hitch, thanks to the clever use of the CNAME record.
The Lesson

Alex learned that a CNAME record is a powerful tool for directing subdomains to different servers without needing to manage multiple IP addresses. It simplifies domain management and ensures a smooth user experience across various services.

And so, “Techie’s Haven” thrived with its new blog subdomain, all thanks to a well-configured CNAME record and a little guidance from a friend.

Editing the A Record

How can I add an A record in DNS in my site

In the digital land of Techville, there was a small but bustling website called “Techie’s Haven.” It was where tech enthusiasts gathered to exchange ideas, solve problems, and explore the wonders of technology. Everything was going smoothly until one day, the site’s administrator, Alex, noticed a perplexing issue.

Alex had recently moved the website to a new server. The transition was smooth, except for one nagging problem: visitors were still being directed to the old server. The issue seemed to be tied to the domain’s DNS settings. Specifically, Alex needed to update the A record to point to the new server's IP address.

Determined to solve the problem, Alex set out on a quest to update the A record. Here’s how the adventure unfolded:


The Discovery

Alex logged into the domain registrar’s dashboard, where the DNS settings were managed. With a sense of anticipation, Alex navigated to the “DNS Management” section. There, a list of various DNS records awaited, including a mysterious “A record” that had previously been set to the old server's IP.

“Editing this A record should solve the problem,” Alex thought. But the path was not as straightforward as expected.


The Challenge

In the DNS records list, Alex found the A record. It was configured to point to the old server's IP address. With a few keystrokes, Alex attempted to change the IP address to the new server’s address. But something was amiss. The record didn’t seem to update, and Alex found no immediate feedback on whether the change had been applied.

Frustrated, Alex turned to the digital sages of the internet. Searching “how to edit an A record,” Alex encountered various tutorials, forums, and guides. Some provided clear instructions, while others were mired in technical jargon that left Alex more confused than before.

The Revelation

Realizing that this was more than just a technical hurdle, Alex decided to consult a trusted mentor, Jamie, a seasoned IT professional with a knack for unraveling DNS mysteries. Jamie agreed to help and suggested a video call to walk Alex through the process.

During the call, Jamie explained the steps in a way that made everything click. Here’s how Jamie guided Alex:

Accessing DNS Management: Jamie showed Alex how to navigate to the correct section where DNS records were listed.

Selecting the A Record: They found the A record that needed editing. Jamie pointed out the importance of changing the IP address associated with this record.


Editing the Record: Jamie guided Alex to click on the “Edit” option next to the A record. They changed the IP address to the new server’s address and adjusted the TTL (Time to Live) to ensure quick propagation.

Saving Changes: Jamie emphasized the importance of clicking “Save” or “Apply” to ensure the changes took effect. They discussed the significance of waiting for DNS propagation, which could take up to 48 hours.

Verifying the Update: Finally, Jamie showed Alex how to use tools like nslookup and online DNS checkers to verify that the new A record was properly pointing to the new server.


 The Resolution

With Jamie’s expert guidance, Alex successfully updated the A record. The website, “,” soon began directing visitors to the new server. The problem was resolved, and the site’s visitors could once again enjoy the content without interruptions.

Alex felt a sense of accomplishment and relief. What had seemed like an insurmountable obstacle was now a solved puzzle, thanks to a little guidance and perseverance.

  Editing A record For Godaddy check it Out

In the vibrant world of Techville, where websites flourished and domains danced across the internet, Alex faced a new challenge. Having recently redesigned “Techie’s Haven” to make it more user-friendly, Alex decided to add a subdomain to provide a dedicated blog section.

Alex wanted the blog to be accessible at “”, but there was a twist: the blog was hosted on a different server than the main site. Alex knew the best way to link the subdomain to the blog's server without having to manage a separate IP address was through a CNAME record.

Learn CNAME Record Setup


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